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Tuesday, September 10, 2013

UPSCPORTAL : "(Audio Notes) Current Affairs Daily : 09 September 2013 "Topic : Pension Security For Old"" plus 14 more

UPSCPORTAL : "(Audio Notes) Current Affairs Daily : 09 September 2013 "Topic : Pension Security For Old"" plus 14 more

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(Audio Notes) Current Affairs Daily : 09 September 2013 "Topic : Pension Security For Old"

Posted: 10 Sep 2013 06:42 AM PDT

Current Affairs Daily Voice Notes

Spotlight/News Analysis (09 September):

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UPSCPORTAL Classroom Coaching Announces Forthcoming Batches for IAS/PCS (Pre.2014 For G.S-CSAT) in Lucknow

Posted: 10 Sep 2013 06:27 AM PDT

Study Kit for Public Administration for IAS Mains Exams 2013

Posted: 10 Sep 2013 06:06 AM PDT


Public Administration Study Kit (Printed Study Material) For Mains Examination

Dear Candidates, 

Due to heavy demand for Printed materials from candidates, we are now launching Hard Copies of our popular Online Course for Public Administration. We are quite confident that this Study Kit will be helpful to new aspirants and for the people where internet accesibilty is not very good. This is a comprehensive Study Kit which covers 100% syllabus and provides extensive reference material for Public Administration.


The PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION STUDY KIT (Printed Study materials course for Public Administration Mains Examination) are not part of our online course.

All the services provided to an online member is free for those who subscribes our printed study materials.

What you will get:

Structure of Materials and Privileges in subscribing ‘PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION STUDY KIT (Printed Study Materials for Public Administration Mains Examination)’ :

  1. Public Administration (Paper I and Paper II) - Printed Reading Material covering whole syllabus (No need of book reading is required thereafter)
  2. Summary of Administrative Committees Recommendations (National and International) like Santhanam Committee on prevention of corruption, Sarkaria Committee, Punchhi Commission, Baswan Report, Second Administrative Reforms Commission, and many more National and International Committees.
  3. Gist of Selected Journals of IIPA (Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi) of last 25 years (As per your requirements in the exam, which we know better)- This section will help you to improve your quality of answers of comments and long and short questions.
  4. Categorized Unit and Sub-Unit Wise Question Papers of Public Administration of last 24 years
  5. Solved papers of Public Administration of IAS-Mains of last 2 years
  6. Case Studies on Public Administration - Collected from National and International Journals and Newspapers - Examples of case studies improve the quality of your long answers.
  7. List of Useful Diagrams and Charts- While answer writing in Public Administration always pictorial presentations with explanations (of Diagrams and Charts) pay rich returns. We will provide you the list of few diagrams and charts with explanation and on the same pattern you have to develop exhaustive list.
  8. Strategy and Suggested Reading - It is full of tips on areas of emphasis, caution while reading and writing ,how to write the answer (?) and Suggested Reading on Public Administration.
  9. Overview of Main Linkages- In Public Administration in your answer you have to form linkages from five to six topics. This is shortest key to get high score in Public Administration. We will provide you the list of few main linkages and on the same pattern you have to develop exhaustive list.
  10. All the privileges of an online course member.

Our PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION STUDY KIT is a very detailed and pinpointed analysis of every topics and sub-topics. No core definitions, sub-topics and inherent points is missing. Notes are presented in point wise form and for more clarity diagrams and charts are given at appropriate places.




Most of the coaching notes and books for Public Administration Mains Exam I found that they have little understanding or vague understanding of following topics.
As a result those topics are either missing or wrongly interpreted.

  1. Ad hoc and Advisory Bodies
  2. Regulatory Authorities
  3. Anti-development Thesis
  4. Code of Conduct in Personnel Administration
  5. State Theories and public policy formulation
  6. Network Analysis
  7. Work Management
  8. Union-State-Local Relations
  9. Civil Services Activism
  10. Global-Local Debate
  11. Development dynamics
  12. Politics and Administration with special reference to City Management
  13. Criminalisation of politics and administration (No mention of Criminalisation of administration most of the places)
  14. Police-public relations
  15. Problems of administration in coalition regimes and few more topics

But we worked hard while developing the online/study kit of Public Administration Mains Exam and came out of those mistakes committed by others. Now we can affirm you again that we covered 100% syllabus with full clarity and explanation in our both PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION STUDY KIT & ONLINE PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION MAINS EXAMINATION COURSE.

All the printed study materials for Public Administration Mains Examination is ready and the dispatch will begin in the Last week of SEPTEMBER 2013.

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IAS Exams Online Coaching.

Books for Civil Services Examinations

©2013 www.upscportal.com

Current Affairs for IAS Exams - 10 September 2013

Posted: 10 Sep 2013 05:09 AM PDT

Current Affairs for IAS Exams - 10 September 2013

Balancing the juvenile act

  • The JJ Act was passed in 2000 with the purpose of incorporating into domestic law India's obligations under international law as a signatory of the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child of 1989, the U.N. Standard Minimum Rules for Administration of Juvenile Justice (1985) (known as the "Beijing Rules") and the U.N. Rules for the Protection of Juveniles Deprived of their Liberty (1990).

  • Underlying these international texts is the legal philosophy that juveniles lack the physical and mental maturity to take responsibility for their crimes, and because their character is not fully developed, they still have the possibility of being rehabilitated.

  • This basic principle underlies the juvenile justice systems in many countries, including the United States and the U.K.
  • The JJA creates a juvenile justice system in which persons up to the age of 18 who commit an offence punishable under any law are not subject to imprisonment in the adult justice system but instead will be subject to advice/admonition, counselling, community service, payment of a fine or, at the most, be sent to a remand home for three years.
  • However, the interest in protection of juveniles has to be balanced with the interest of protecting particularly vulnerable members of society from violent crimes committed by persons under 18 years of age and amending the law when societal conditions radically change over time.
  • As per the reports of the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) entitled "Crime in India 2011" and "Crime in India 2012," the percentage of crimes committed by juveniles as compared to total crimes has not significantly increased from 2001-2012.
  • According to the NCRB statistics, India is not in the throes of a general crime wave by juveniles. However, the NCRB statistics relating to violent crimes by juveniles against women are very troubling. "
  • Crime in India 2011" suggests the number of rapes committed by juveniles has more than doubled over the past decade from 399 rapes in 2001 to 858 rapes in 2010. "Crime in India 2012" records that the total number of rapes committed by juveniles more than doubled from 485 in 2002 to 1149 in 2011.

  • As the data suggests, between 2011 and 2012 alone, there was a massive increase in instances of rape by juveniles by nearly 300, which is almost as much as the increase in such cases over the entire previous decade. This increase alone makes amendment of the JJA imperative.

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IAS Exams Online Coaching.

Books for Civil Services Examinations

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IAS Mains Public Administration Online Coaching: The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)

Posted: 10 Sep 2013 04:53 AM PDT

IAS Mains Public Administration Online Coaching

The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) –Achievement of MDGs Goals promote Good Governance, Sustainable Development and Participative Management

The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) emerged during the major international development summits of United Nations in the 90s . The MDGs are 8 goals (time bound goals and measurable targets) – to be achieved by 2015 – that aim to meet the greatest global challenges. It stem from the actions and targets contained in the Millennium Declaration, which was adopted by 189 nations and signed by 147 heads of state during the Millennium Summit .

The 8- Millennium Development Goals(MDGs) promoting Good Governance are as follows:

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IAS Exams Online Coaching.

Books for Civil Services Examinations

©2013 www.upscportal.com

IAS Mains Public Administration Online Coaching: (Administrative Thought) - Strategy, Suggested Reading & Linkages

Posted: 10 Sep 2013 04:50 AM PDT

IAS Mains Public Administration Online Coaching


This Chapter should be done well. This is a very scoring chapter with well-defined syllabus but preparation should also be very comprehensive. Special emphasis should be given to thinkers such as Weber, Fayol , and Simon.

While writing answer on hierarchy if you do not deal with Weberian bureaucracy or administrative behavior your answer remains incomplete and you will get poor marks. We will teach you here these tricks for securing high marks.

Suggested Reading:

  1. Administrative Thinkers by Prasad and Prasad
  2. Organisation and Management by D. Guishiain

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IAS Exams Online Coaching.

Books for Civil Services Examinations

©2013 www.upscportal.com

(Discussion) IAS Mains - General Studies: Ethics "How corporates can have a impact on environment?"

Posted: 10 Sep 2013 04:37 AM PDT

General Studies: (Paper 5) Ethics, Integrity & Aptitude

Chapter: Corporate Governance

Discussion Topic: How corporates can have a impact on environment?

(Discussion) IAS Mains - PUB AD - "Introduction" New Public Management shows influence of market over public administration.....

Posted: 10 Sep 2013 04:27 AM PDT

Public Administration

Chapter: Introduction (New Public Management & Good Governance)

Discussion Topic: New Public Management shows influence of market over public administration. Comment

(Sample Material) IAS Mains GS Online Coaching : Paper V (Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude) "Code of Ethics"

Posted: 10 Sep 2013 04:22 AM PDT

Sample Material of Our IAS Mains GS Online Coaching Programme

Subject: General Studies (Paper 5)
Topic: Code of Ethics

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IAS Exams Online Coaching.

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(Current Affairs MCQ) Test Your Skills - 9 September 2013

Posted: 10 Sep 2013 04:14 AM PDT

Attempts allowed:Unlimited
Pass rate:75 %
Backwards navigation:Allowed
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IAS Exams Online Coaching.

Books for Civil Services Examinations

©2013 www.upscportal.com

(Sample Material) IAS Mains Public Administration Online Coaching: Introduction "New Public Management & Good Governance"

Posted: 10 Sep 2013 04:08 AM PDT

Sample Material of Our IAS Mains Public Administration Online Coaching Programme

Subject: Public Administration
Topic: Introduction (New Public Management & Good Governance)

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IAS Exams Online Coaching.

Books for Civil Services Examinations

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(Sample Material) CSAT Online Coaching : Basic Numeracy "Set Theory, Venn Diagram, Function and Relations"

Posted: 10 Sep 2013 04:00 AM PDT

Sample Material of Our Online Coaching Programme

Subject: Basic Numeracy
Topic: Set Theory, Venn Diagram, Function and Relations

1. The function f : N --> N : f (x) = 3x, where N is the set of natural numbers.

(a) one-one and onto

(b) one-one but not onto

(c) onto but not one-one

(d) Neither one-one nor onto

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IAS Exams Online Coaching.

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(Sample Material) IAS PRE GS Online Coaching : Economic & Social Development - Economic Planning In India

Posted: 10 Sep 2013 02:58 AM PDT

Sample Material of Our Online Coaching Programme

Subject: Economic & Social Development
Topic: Economic Planning In India

Ques. 1 : What is planned economy?

Ans. Planned economy is one in which the state owns (partly or wholly) and directs the economy. While such a role is assumed by the State in almost every economy, in planned economies, it is pronounced: for example in communist and socialist countries- former USSR and China till the 1970's. In such a case a planned economy is referred to as command economy or centrally planned economy or command and control economy. In command economies, state does the following

  • Control all major sectors of the economy
  • Legislate on their use and about the distribution of income
  • State decides on what should be produced and how much; sold at what price
  • Private property is not allowed

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IAS Exams Online Coaching.

Books for Civil Services Examinations

©2013 www.upscportal.com

Today's Important News: 10 September 2013

Posted: 10 Sep 2013 01:24 AM PDT

Today's Important News (10-09-2013)

The Hindu


  • No News


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IAS Exams Online Coaching.

Books for Civil Services Examinations

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(Sample Material) IAS Mains Essay Writing Online Coaching: Is autonomy the best answer to combat balkanization?

Posted: 10 Sep 2013 01:06 AM PDT

Sample Material of Our IAS Mains GS Online Coaching Programme

Subject: Essay Writing
Topic: Is autonomy the best answer to combat balkanization?

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IAS Exams Online Coaching.

Books for Civil Services Examinations

©2013 www.upscportal.com


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